'Tampa Sandwich Bar' Still Puts The Seoul In Cuban Sandwich Four Years Later
Below is a follow-up to an interview I did with the now famous Tampa Sandwich Bar, originally published in Suburban Apologist which has since closed. The original post has been republished for you to read here: South Korea's 'Tampa Sandwich Bar' Serves Up Tampa-Style Cubans On The Daily.
In the Spring of 2016, an old friend of mine mentioned that his Korean fiancé told him there was a Cuban sandwich shop that had recently opened in Seoul, Korea named “Tampa Sandwich Bar”. As a Tampa native, and staunch Pro-Tampa supporter in the Cuban Sandwich “debate”, I was intrigued, no, honored that someone overseas thought so much of our humble sandwich that they’d build an entire restaurant concept around it, and the place it was invented in. It was even more amazing that the restaurant happened to be all the way over in Seoul, Korea.
With that, I contacted my friend Ray Roa, who at the time was running the beloved Suburban Apologist (RIP) and pitched the story to him through Facebook messenger.
Ray responded simply “Nice - you wanna do it??”
Tampa Sandwich Bar’s Cuban Sandwich
While a bit caught off guard, I quickly got to work doing just that. Little did I know that not only would that article go viral in Tampa, it would have a ripple effect on Tampa Sandwich Bar and lead them to multiple Cuban Sandwich Festival victories.
So with the 9th Annual International Cuban Sandwich Festival right around the corner, I decided that it was time to check back in with my friends in Seoul to see how that article had impacted them. When I pitched them the idea, they were thrilled. They’d gladly do it. We set up a date and format for the interview and they ended the conversation in a way that stunned me. “We’re excited! Your first interview has made us like a celebrity in Tampa, FL.” It was clear that their notoriety had a huge impact on them.
We chatted about what they’d been up to since our last interview, how it changed their business, the Korean cultural influence on the US, Coronavirus and, of course, food. You’ll find our exchange below.
J-It’s so great to finally catch up! I guess we should start with what is on everyone’s mind: Will you guys be at the next Cuban Sandwich Festival?
TSB-Unfortunately we will not be at the next Cuban Sandwich Festival due to spreading of the coronavirus throughout the world, including South Korea and the US. We feel that safety is the most important things to the festival’s success. Hopefully our international presence will help rid some people of anxiety. We really wanted to go and enjoy the festival, but decided it wasn’t the best idea in 2020.
J-The coronavirus has affected quite a bit--how has it changed people’s habits in Seoul?
TSB-The government, doctors and nurses are doing their best to respond to the virus. As you may have seen in the news, we can do a medical exam for the virus very quickly. The government is taking it step by step. We can get text messages with information about what’s happening in our area, which is helpful. Everyone is being careful. There have been a few changes in South Korea. Many companies are encouraging work from home and everyone is being careful when they take public transportation or going out. Most restaurants and stores are placing hand sanitizers at their entrances. We believe we’ll overcome this epidemic soon enough.
J-What was the most surprising thing about the reaction to the news that there was a Tampa Cuban sandwich shop in Korea.
TSB-We never expected any reaction in Tampa when we opened up the shop. It was a super gift when you published your article about us in Tampa. We were just a small shop among thousands of restaurants in Seoul, so we could have never imagined an article published in Tampa––the origin of the Cuban Sandwich.
There were many changes after the article went viral in Tampa. Many companies reached out to send us gifts of Tampa memorabilia and products. Visit Tampa Bay put together a great gift basket with Tampa themed items, Cigar City Brewing Beers and decor, as well as the shirts and bags you sent. We used much of this to decorate the shop. The Columbia Restaurant Group gave books, shirts, special ingredients and more. Everyone encouraged us to keep working hard and wished us well.
The most surprising part was the people coming into the shop from Tampa and beyond. They all really enjoyed eating our Cubans. We’re so happy to not only be selling the famous Cuban sandwich, but also talking to our guests about Tampa.
J-Did you notice an increase in people from Tampa visiting your restaurant after you guys went viral here?
TSB-Yes! That was the funny part. Sometimes we see people we met in Tampa at the Cuban Sandwich Festival. One Tampanian couple who live in Korea and teach english helped us at our first festival. We often meet on Mondays for dinner in Seoul.
Other than that, many warm hearted people come to visit us to enjoy our cubans and hang out from time to time. That was all very unexpected. We had no friends from Florida before that. Thanks Tampa! Thanks Cuban Sandwich Festival!
J-The Cuban Sandwich started as a simple, handheld and affordable meal for working class people in Ybor City…is there a comparable dish in Seoul to that?
TSB-Korean meals are centered around variety. Koreans generally eat Kimchi Stew, Spicy Stir-Fried Pork with rice, etc. Korean food culture is usually based on one main dish like the Kimchi Stew, with lots of side dishes. That’s the most common. Rice, stew, main dish and side dishes are essential!
For that reason, sandwiches are a special meal for Koreans. If people don’t have much time to eat, they often go with a burger or sandwich. Around 10-15% of our customers take their sandwiches with them on the go.
J-Since my story first ran, there has been quite a lot of influence from Korea in the US. Why do you think Americans are really starting to take notice of Korean culture?
TSB-The answer lies in mukbangs, BTS, and Parasite! Korean culture is very unique. Old Koreans still remember the Japanese occupation, Korean War and IMF. Even though young generations didn’t experience it themselves, the lasting scars of the past still have an affect them. Because of this, they’ve created their own unique and Korean style. As you know, hip teens with self-esteem are leading this new culture even in high school. As a result, Korea’s unique story is getting more interesting to the world—thus the rapidly increasing interest.
J-Speaking of ‘Parasite’, which famously took home quite a few Academy Awards this year, making it the first non-English language film in Oscar history to win the award for Best Picture. Do you think the Korean influence in America over the last several years helped influence this?
TSB-First of all, it is an honor that Parasite won the award for Best Picture. We are so proud of that. But it’s not just Parasite. It’s also Korean K-Pop groups like BTS and other Korean cultural creations becoming popular throughout the world. It’s a good thing to see people having curiosity for Korean culture.
It is an undeniable fact that Korea’s continued influence in America helped influence its popularity in the US, as well as its well deserved Academy Award. We hope people in the world continue to learn of all the great quality music, movies, books, and art. And of course, the food!
J-In the film, Jjapaguri Ramen made quite a few Americans hungry. What other Korean dishes are Americans missing out on?
TSB-There are so many delicious dishes in Korea. Koreans love to create dishes there way and to share them with others. Muckbangs are a prime example of that (See YouTube).
Here’s another way to make Jjapaguri. Before the famous Jjapaguri ramen, people wanted to make their Japagettie ramen more delicious. Some people found the best combination included a fried egg and cheese. We call this Jjagechi. They’re made with Japagettie ramen and are delicious. It is easy to cook and you should try it right now!
J-Share with me how you’re spreading the gospel of the Cuban Sandwich?
TSB-The cuban sandwich has more opportunity to grow. It’s such a small number of Koreans that know of it now thanks to the movie “Chef” and Tampa Sandwich Bar. Many believe the sandwich is from Cuba. But after our restaurant, our customers all know that it comes from Tampa, FL. We want to teach everyone that it’s from Tampa, not Cuba. We’re dedicated to telling the story of how they make it and how it spread globally.
““We’d love to continue introducing Florida’s culture, food, art and people to Koreans. We really have fallen in love with Tampa and Florida.””
J-Let’s talk food mashups: Our local Nebraska Mini Mart has a Bulgogi Cheesesteak with Bulgogi steak, kimchi and gochujang mayo. Do Koreans in general like to see westerners adopting flavors and traditional ingredients?
TSB-I believe that foods are from the earth. There is no Western or Eastern. Asians eat rice, yes, but so do Mexicans in burritos and Italians in risotto.
In Korea, Domino’s and other pizza chains put bulgogi on pizza. Many American franchises also put various ingredients in their foods to appeal to Koreans.
If the west is adopting Korean ingredients, we just hope that it’s delicious. That’s all.
J-What was your favorite place to visit in Tampa?
TSB-That’s a difficult question to answer! We spent 10 days in Tampa in 2017 and 2018. We’d have to say the Riverwalk is the best place in Downtown Tampa. Walking, running and chilling. It’s the perfect place for me. Restaurants? Can’t choose just one. Every single restaurant has an awesome vibe. The Columbia, La Segunda, Stone Soup Company, Goody Goody Burger, Ulele, Oxford Exchange, Ceviche’s and La Teresita! Even Taco Bus!
J-What’s next for Tampa Sandwich Bar?
TSB-We would love to make a culture and food space, similar to Oxford Exchange. We’d love to continue introducing Florida culture, foods, art and people to Koreans. We really have fallen in love with Tampa and Florida.
You guys are sending us special, warm hearts and infinite interest. That makes us massive fans of Tampa. Will it continue? Who knows! Please continue supporting us!
2018 Winners! Remember the GLORY!
Since their story got out, Tampa Sandwich Bar has taken home multiple awards for their delicious and traditional Cuban Sandwich after entering the festival in both 2017 and 2018. They’ve since expanded their menu to include many other American favorites including their take on a Philly cheesesteak, fried chicken sandwiches, and much more. They’re still finding success and recently celebrated 4 years in business.
Co-Owners Hyunmin Cho and Geunmin Kang and I have become friends since originally publishing their story and I’ve loved watching their business grow. Their passion and desire to replicate one of our cities points of pride is inspiring. I was proud of the response from the people of Tampa as well as wonderful businesses who helped make them feel welcome. It’s an incredible feeling to know that our humble—and ever growing—city was able to make such an impression through our unique culinary offerings.
If you plan on visiting Seoul, make it a point to stop in and support these honorary Tampanians!